Sabtu, 01 November 2014

You see it and use it multiple times throughout the day, but do you know how it works? Surprisingly, many webmasters severely lack knowledge about one of the most Search Engine Theory and How Do Search Engines Work? Search Engine Optimization and All About Search Engines 7 important aspects of the internet search engine theory! We all know SE’s exist, we know people use them, and we know that they drive traffic to our websites. But many people would be hard pressed to answer the question: how do search engines work? If you can educate yourself about the search engine theory, you'll be capable of optimizing your site properly and internet success is not far How Do Search Engines Work? Search engines send automated "bots" to "crawl" the web through hyperlinks. As we'll discuss later, without external hyperlinks to your website, the bots really have no way of finding your website. It's still possible that they'll discover your site eventually, but without some kind of effort on your part, it may be unlikely.ndir product reviews Only about half of the existing pages on the internet have been crawled, if that gives you any indication of the importance of backlinks. Once the bots crawl your website, it becomes indexed in a huge database along with all the other indexed pages on the internet. There are literally billions of pages stored in this database. Yet, as you've probably noticed, it takes barely a second or two to get results after performing a search. When searches are made, the engine quickly scans through relevant Search Engine Theory and How Do Search Engines Work? Search Engine Optimization and All About Search Engines 8 documents and provides results based on the most accurate possible matches. Generally a match is determined by the presence of that particular keyword on the webpage. Thus, on-page optimization is extremely important. It is the basis for the search engine theory. Quality, relevant content is the name of the game. How Do Search Engines Work? Google and the other search engines will provide differing results depending on whether you type the phrase as-is (purple umbrellas), in quotes ("purple umbrellas"), with the + symbol (purple + umbrellas), or other variations. After the SE has found matches for the search query, a special algorithm scans each of the results to determine relevance to the keyword phrase. Results are provided to the user in order from most relevant to least relevant. So what can you learn from this information? A few things: 1. Your page must be relevant to the search term (listing the keyword several times throughout the course of the website, on-site search engine optimization) 2. You need external hyperlinks (backlinks) pointing to your website to act as a “gateway” for the bots to access your site. This is another mainstay of the search engine theory.

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